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Hello, a friend recommended this game to me and wow. I really liked it. I made a video about it if anyone was curious.
Anyway, great game.


The game was quite enjoyable and immersive. Liked the concept of a dispatch call simulator. The karen was a nice bonus to the game. The voice recognition was a pretty cool feature too. ***spoilers*** i felt the monster was however unnecessary while it may or may not surprise people the experience of being the dispatch caller was by itself interesting. Again the game probably is trying to be true to the creepypasta so not a big issue to me. Also i wish it was more creepier though. Overall liked it. Good job devs! Keep making more!

Interesting game, However I realistically cant see anyone actually getting genuinely terrified or scared while playing this game. The voice acting is lazy, and distract away from the ambience. The office 'jump scares' are obvious and give themselves away quite early, and the narrative is lacking. There is no actual sense of connectivity here to the player and the character let alone any real in depth narrative to try and let us get attached to the world itself. Has a TON of potential, However severely lacking in general.

Scare Factor 1 out of 10


I actually enjoyed this game more than I expected! Really like the concept of it and was done well and very interesting. Would like to see this expanded on!


Tried out Dispatch, nice game.

(1 edit) (+1)

that jumpscare scared me so bad OMGG

(1 edit) (+1)

This was such a great game! It blew me away how the audio system worked and really integrated the player into the game! It was honestly really fun and the two 'stories' that happen before everything goes down was really fun and quirky!

(Video at the end if anyone is interested in watching!)

The calls and the environment becoming scarier was super engrossing and enthralling, of course enhanced by the voice system. It was all very well done.

My only suggestions to maybe improve the game in the future would be three things; One is to have a more emotional voices (Though I do realise that getting better voice actors is more expensive and it itself can be hard to do), the first call had the emotion of the caller being really worried about his doggo. The second call did suit the Karen vice of it, could have been more angrier, etc, but it had it's own 'drunk Karen' kind of vibe and was fine overall. Now for the third call; as intriguing and immersive as it was, the sort of emotionlessness of the wife  a little bit kind of made it not as immersive. (This is just my opinion though, but I still found it fun and immersive!)

The second thing would be to have more stuff happen in the office and the room in front. The subtle writings were pretty good and really added to the ambience and it was refreshing as not many horror games add the subtle spooks, so really cool that you did! Maybe some life in the police office would also add some amount of immersion, but yeah, more things happening around would add a lot more to the environment, though the stuff that did happen was really well done!

The last thing would be the actual story and also the monster. Building up the story to what it was at a longer pace might have suited it; let the players slowly start to realise what's happening. Unless the players look at the file and look closely, they might not connect the dots; some might even brush off what the first officer said at the beginning because of your really cool mic system and funny stories. And building the story up would also allow the monster at the end to be slowly introduced. Maybe show a hand or a shadow, and then some other scary things that it does, and then at the end, the monster appears and kills the player. A build up would also suit the story rather than having the monster randomly appear and Chidori the player's character. 

And as an avid Creepypasta reader, I saw the where your inspirations came from and was really neat to see how you made a game inspired from the story! Overall it was a really great game and tonnes of fun to play, you could make people pay for this and there wouldn't be any complaints. Hope to see if this audio system interaction with the game is developed as it was really cool to use and experience! Do take care and good luck with future projects and anything else!


I may seem like a pussy but this game scared me so thats why I call myself a pussy and I got scared so much that I screamed but I didnt know why...


Just finished streaming this game on my Channel (the language is in Indonesian). This is such an amazing concept. I love the voice recognizion  mechanic. The last call was very intense and immersive because of it. Still doesn't understand why I managed to get the good ending though lol

I would love to see a game like this that's not horror. Would be very intense if we could guide people through intense emergency situation using voice.


got the good ending first try! really good game and i think it could be a full game

Good job and thank you very much, we are planning on making some more stuff so follow us here on for updates!


I did the bad ending and the good ending took a while but this game is different and has an amazing atmosphere and gameplay I hope there was more

Thank you for taking the time to play through the game and get both endings, glad you enjoyed it!


Ingenious new game concept with an unexpected ending. It's worth it!

Thank you, it’s always fun to see people’s reactions to the ending!

it was so much fun, keep on your good work!

surprise me with a new game like this would be very great^^


I loved the game its did a great job at giving creepy vibes while also the seriousness of the calls. It was such a great experience. It would have been even better if it was a bit longer

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing :)


great game it was a very new/different experience...the fact that you have an impact on others

lives is scary in a different sense

Thank you, we wanted to provide the same feeling that true crime gives but with a twist!


OMG!!I loved the concept of being able to play with the voice. The events that happen show the stress of the person and we are really caught in it.Ah and thanks to you I pissed myself in fear ^^

Thank you, the voice recognition took a bit of work so I’m happy you enjoyed using it! :D


This game was really impressive. Reading the description I thought the voice recognition would've been half-baked, but man, it caught 99.99% of what I said. Are there any plans for an expansion or another story? I'd love to see more!

That’s great to hear, it was tough to get right so I’m happy it paid off! We are definitely planning on making more content, not sure what it will be just yet but follow us here on itch for updates :)


Super creepy, I loved it!!!!


very intense game had me really drawn into it and did NOT expect that jump scare at the end 

can u make this free plz?

(1 edit) (+1)

This was fantastic! I hadn't played any game as a 911 dispatch and this blew me away! Liked the conversations between characters especially with KAREN lmao! Loved the graphics and the atmosphere as well! Keep up the good work! 


This was amazing. The entire experience is stressful, as I imagine the real work would be, and the little ambiance touches really amp it up. Probably the loudest I've yelled in a while.


Yo this game was good 0.o 

omg it all felt so real, i was so nervous!!!! Great job, keep up the good work. 

Had to make split second decisions and use my training from working at dominos to deal with these calls... Amazing game! 


This was such a great experience and I love the voice control mechanic - well done! 

Please tell me there is a plan in the pipeline to make more!? 🤞


Honestly a very very cool game, would love to see more horror games from you. Great job! Also, if ya don't mind check out my video :)


This game was amazing! Would highly recommend.


Wow great story and still had no idea what got me at the end! 


This game right here is one of the most creative scary game i have seen in my life playing horror game it has a sense of horror but a lot of creativity and just a cool game all around

This is by far one of the most interactive games I have ever played and it was amazing. The voice recognition was on point, this was an overall great experience! I can not forget to mention that the jump-scare scared me senseless. Great game 10/10 for me. I will link my reaction below if you are interested.


DUDE THIS GAME WAS SO FUN. I love the little voice recognition mechanic and the ending! 10/10 Game

Don't let the thumbnail fool you. Your game was the first one in the video.

This was great! I loved the whole concept of handling emergency phone calls and choosing option how to handle the situation. I can see this game have a lot of potential for a larger game. Add some more unit management, for example choosing which unit to send while having limited resources, and how long it takes to respond. I had a blast playing this game and spinning the chair! Looking forward to more from you guys!


I loved the fact the game can understand what you are saying and that you can play it that way.  I just wish it was a bit better, as I had issues about half way through where the game could not understand what I was saying anymore.  Either way amazing job and can not wait to see more from you all!

It sounds like the audio input may have changed somehow midway through the game, I'll look into what may have caused it. Thank you for playing though and don't forget to follow us if you'd like updates about what we make next!


I loved it a lot! I hope you come out with more things in the future!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed our deadly hugger! We will be making more content soon so make sure to follow us for updates :D 

Looking forward to it!


If only it was longer! I enjoyed it, Lets Play and Gameplay below 

We will be making more stuff soon, so follow us on here if you'd like to see what we come up with next!


I have a thing for polished indie games, and this was the definition of polished. all the settings I could ask for, voice acting, PLUS voice recognition which was really fun to use, props to the dev team. as far as the horror aspect goes, you're sitting in a dark office with creepy sounds all around you so yeah, it checks out. Then it got pretty emotional and I actually felt really bad, literally had me thinking "what did I do wrong" while editing. throw in that ending jumpscare and you have a dope horror game.

Thank you so much for your kind words! We did spend a lot of time trying to polish it, so I am happy you appreciated it :) 


One of the most fun games I have ever played on my channel, GJ!

Thanks for playing :)


That was awesome. :) 5/5

Thank you!

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