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Greetings! Is the game fully finished and won't receive any content-related updates (new levels, endings, plot points etc)?

We are going to have an internal discussion to talk about what we want to do next and then we will post an update here on, so make sure to give us a follow if you'd like to see our updates


I played your game in this video. Extremely well done. Loved the graphics, sound, story, everything. The only real complaint was that the text moved a little slow and the voice recognition thingy wasn't working at one point. Other than that, 9/10

Thank you very much! Yeah, the text speed was hard to get right as we wrote a little script to account for punctuation and the speed of the voice clip but it wasn't always perfect. I'll relay your feedback back to the team and see what we can do, thanks for playing and taking the time to give us some of your observations!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you, yeah I think it would be perfect for a short horror film too!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you, we are definitely planning on releasing more content so follow us here on if you'd like updates! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

It was a really interesting game, I enjoyed it a lot! Got me with the jump scare at the end! Here is my game play on it!

Thanks for playing and taking the time to record your gameplay :D 

(1 edit) (+1)

I really enjoyed this scary game, got me very interested and I thought the story was really amazing and horrifying if you wanna see my reaction here you go :D


Thank you for playing! Loved your reaction to the jumpscare, the edit killed me haha!


Haha! I'm glad you loved my reactions this Friday I will probably play another 3 scary games and YOU will be featured depends on what game it is great work on D I S P A T C H :3

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh my lord, this game is so scary, I was still trembling 5 mins after I finished. The jump scare at the end had me screaming like a girl. this game scared me in the best way possible, and I would like to see a full version, or at least a prequal to this game because the lore had me hooked. 10/10, would recommend. 

you do realise you just spoiled the ending

And you do realize everyone else was saying the exact same thing as me


Very epic game, I really enjoyed it and think it would easily do well on steam for like 99 cent. I was not ready for the monster though,

threw me outta my chair.

Thank you! We did consider adding a price tag to the game but since it is our first full release and only a short one, we thought it would be best to keep it free :) 

That makes sense, Great work


This was pretty awesome. Also heartbreaking. 

I don't know if there are different outcomes but I am definately going to play it a few more times to see.


Thank you for playing and posting your gameplay! Also there are some different outcomes and varying paths to reach them.

You're welcome!

Cool. Will be curious to see them.


Is there a way to change the name that pops up when I first load up the game and need to type in a "password"? I want to play this on stream but don't want to leak my real name to people.


You could create a new user in windows and log in under that. Might not be a bad idea to create a user specifically for streaming to protect from this and other things being shown on stream like bookmarks, desktop icons etc.


Spoilers if nobody wants to read those.

This was a heartbroken experience. That poor mother and child.

I do think the environment was creepy, like with the rabbit which I feel like could be connected with the story of the dispatcher. I was creeped out about LIAR that popped up when you tell them the cops would be there soon. (Maybe the dispatcher lied in the past)

I have a theory do say if I'm mistaken.

My first thought was that the mistake that was talked about at the start is the dispatcher may have had a call in the past that could of been a child that died. Hence the rabbit.

And this call is like a repeat of a past experience. 

The monster is actually somebody that was close to child/or who died. And they came to kill you. Which is why it's your last call.

My next theory is pretty much the same expect the monster is your guilt for making the same mistakes all over again. And your overwelled with it and it consumed you like a monster. Which is why it was your last call. You quit after that. (Or maybe you end up insane and had to leave) 

I like my first theory better. 

Overall I think this was an awesome experience and felt like a real call. It was terror in like a panic way to keep the family safe. On top of that it seems like somebody watches you. 

I think the child's voice was pretty on point for it seems like she was use to her parents fighting but, she didn't expect her dad to hurt her mum. 

I don't know how many cop died if any on the fact they didn't listen to you. Which is understandable when there is a somebody inside. 

I wish there was more voice recognition related calls. It makes it feel more real. 

The criedts says inspired by so it hurt to think about all the people who have to deal with the chance of these types of encounters. It would be hard to be a dispatcher and be able to stay calm. (At least for me it would)


Wow thank you so much for the excellent review! It seems like you’ve really thought about it a lot and I can safely say that your first theory is the closest one we’ve seen! There’s a little more to it but you are pretty much spot on with your analysis. It’s really impressive to see someone delve deep into the story to figure it out. We gave it a lot of thought when creating the game, so it’s nice to see it pay off.

Again thank you for playing and we are thrilled that you enjoyed the experience enough to look into the backstory :)


Hope you're okay with me replying for my review, since you're the one who got me to play the game last night.

But before I started, I didn't expect to get "in the zone" like I did last night. Headphones certainly make the experience better.

But regardless, I don't know how the story was hard to get! To me, at least, it seemed obvious that there was a connection to the officer's past and this phone call.

Overall, I really enjoyed this game. And even though it ends the same way no matter what you choose, it is still very well thought out! So props to you, devs! 


played this streaming to discord with my friends and we all loved it. it was a great game and would love a longer version. much love to the creator 10/10

Thank you and most of our testing was done by our friends streaming it over discord so we’re glad to see the tradition carrying on! There are definitely more things to come so follow us on here for updates :)


I loved this game sooo much. This voice recognition adds to the atmosphere and the building tension! A very, very nice job. The only thing is that I agree the creature might be a bit too cringe. Still a great game tho!

A very fun game! I had thought that when I clicked the link it'll be some kind of disturbing dispatch calls but as I played, I realized that's not the only case. Looking forward to more horror games like this!

This was a fantastic game. I absolutely fell in love with the concept. I had to play 3-4 times to fully grasp the concept and all the story options. Amazing animations, storytelling, voice acting, movements, controls, and atmosphere. The meanings and hidden story behind this are great. Probably now one of my favorite games on here.


The minus 0.5 is due to the creature's design being a little corny and the little girl's voice (Sophie) being exaggerated.


This game was AMAZING. Really dope concept! I also had some really funny moments throughout my playthrough. Check it out here!

nice channel man!

Whenever I open the game, it just stays on a black screen, I was really hoping to playing this game:(


This was a damn good game. Nails the experience of a public safety dispatcher almost perfectly (just not the whole, demon in the dispatch center thing haha). For those more interested in watching than playing, you can experience it with me here :)



Loved this game ! Well made for sure! Game here: 

First game. Please subscribe!!

Thanks for taking the time to play, I’ll watch your video now and subscribe! :)


I enjoyed this game very much :D I just never found out why is the mic connected to the gameplay.  Great concept tho!


Thank you! And you can select the dialogue options via Voice Recognition :)


this make me go AHHHHHHHH

WHAT A GREAT GAME! My viewers really enjoyed this game! I suggest you go play this game for yourself! 

Thank you for playing, I’m glad your viewers enjoyed watching too. It is always interesting seeing how different people approach the situations! 

yeah man really I got a bunch of people telling me that they didn't expect the ending at all! It was funny seeing their reaction! Lol


how do i send units


When you get to that part in the dialogue it will be done automatically :)


Amazing game, loved every little thing about it, but the monster completely broke my immersion. It didnt even spook me if that was your point, i was just "why the fuck, i dont care, the girl is gonna die holy shit let me go back to my controls!"





Great demo! I just finished the game and wanted to say:

1- The game should be continued, I love being able to play 911 with my own voice and have all this environment crepping me out.
The Karen was really funny.

2- The monster wasnt really needed, sure it could represent lots of things like "its the representation of your guilt on the last call you had plus the guilt you already had for what happened at the begining of the game." but keeping him only in the environment is enough, plus you could keep the plushie thing but then when you see it on your table, make it disappear and move on with the game. (I hope the monster was just a way to end the demo and could be removed in the final game). 

OR even maybe remove the monster after all!, everything else works perfectly for a real horror game. Its way better a game based on psychology horror than jumpscares (for me the game lost its horror with the monster, I just dont get scared by jumpscares :,T)

3- You could add more things in the background related to the calls. If the caller is reporting a thief, you could be able to see a darky figure breaking things on the office or you hear random footsteps in the office. If there's a fire, then your office could get some fire, etc etc...

Anyways, great demo. Hope the game could be bigger and last more than 15 game minutes. Sure with all the fame you got you could just ask volunteers for voice acting and history enrichment.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for the review! I’ll try to provide a little bit more information where I can. 

Regarding your 2nd point there is actually a strong link between the monster and the dispatcher with a lot of clues around the office about what it is. However it doesn’t seem like anyone has figured it out yet so we maybe should’ve made it a bit more obvious.

As for your 3rd point, I agree we could do a bit more in the office but there are quite a few things that happen that are very subtle and often go unnoticed by a lot players. Also as this was only a short project (a few months) we wanted to keep the scope small. This is also why we made it roughly only 15 minutes long as we felt this is as much as one programmer could achieve in this time.

I really appreciate you taking the time to play through the game and give us such constructive feedback. Hopefully it will mean that in our next projects we can avoid some of these pitfalls. Thank you!

First of all... I hate you.... Second of all i LOVE THE GAME!!!.... Third of all... i hate you even more now because of that ending... STROKE warning much ;d ;d ;d 
Btw love the blood splats in the beginning, adds a nice touch :d

Thank you very much, I just finished watching your play through and I can tell where you got your name from! The blood splats were difficult to do, so I’m glad to hear our hard work paid off! :)

im up to the call where the ex husband is breaking in and after telling the daughter to run to her room, ive heard two loud bangs and now just silence, is this supposed to happen or is this a bug/glitch?

Try looking around your environment to see if there is anything for you to interact with, if not then it may be a bug. If that’s the case please reply to this comment and I’ll try to figure out what may have caused it :)

back to r4eport that it was indeed not a bug and all i had to do was look around the environment, and also in the last dispatch call, I've found that you wont make it if you send off the police report with the small amount of information you have, i understand if that is intentional, yet, I have only had a few instances with this i am more then happy to test it our for you if you would like :)

I tried to download the EXE file, but my computer is so tightly secured, both my antivirus and windows defender stopped the game from being open.

You could try to run it as an administrator, or try to download the zip file (Dispatch_Extract&Play) which contains all the game files. Although the voice recognition may not work with the zip version as it is unable to set permissions.

Please let me know if this works, I hope you enjoy the game!


TwoShoedLou can we make a discord server about  the game i think that will be cool if you want to i really like the game imma make the server let me know if you wanna join 

Yeah of course you can make a server about the game and I’d love to be a part of it. My discord is Lou#0067 :)

i added you my discord is cartyem#0001 


where is the dowload button

It is the green button below the contact me section :)

(1 edit)

when i try to start the game, i get an error  after the brightness setting, it takes a few seconds then it closes the game automatically

the Picture below shows it

Thank you for the bug report, I’ll take a look into this.

I've implemented a potential fix, please let me know if this resolves your issue.


voice Recognition + Dispatcher = AMAZING !! Nice Game TwoShoedLou.. im looking forward to more 

Thank you, yeah we thought the voice recognition was a must for this type of game! More is on the way so make sure to follow us for updates :)


very cool game


Thank you!


Good just the speech Recognition din't work 


Thank you playing and I’m sorry to hear the speech recognition didn’t work for you. 

This can often be caused by either incorrect permissions (fixed by using the Dispatch_Setup.exe) or by windows picking up the incorrect default device which can be solved by going into your sound settings and right clicking the device you’d like to use and setting it to default then restarting the game. 

thanks going to try

That sounds bad but it worked fine for me, perhaps its some system error hopefully you find the problem soon


That was incredible! You guys did so well with this, I just wish there was more to play!  Please make this into a full game, id happily buy and play it! 

(1 edit)

also, I had no idea this was going to be that type of horror game. Not gonna lie. So when scary stuff started happening, I was on the edge of my seat. Lol

Thank you, sounds like you had a tense play through! We will be making more stuff so make sure to follow our page if you’d like updates. Thanks again for your support and kind words :)


How dare the fucking demon sabotages me to save a poor child's life?

I'm not scared, i'm just getting angry.If i can i will tear him up





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