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I don't know what made me download this one, but I'm so glad I did. This is a game that deserves far more attention. The story is compelling, the effects unnerving, and best of all the gameplay is highly immersive thanks to the voice recognition. Even if I didn't used the exact phrasing, the game knew which choice I meant. I'm also familiar with the story it was based on and I'm glad you changed it.

Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad to meet another fan of YungSeti's work, we sent him updates throughout development, so hopefully we did his story justice! 


This is one of the coolest horror games I've played in a WHILE!!!

Keep up the great work homie, can't wait to see what games you make next!!!

Your reactions were priceless haha! Thanks for taking the time to shout us out and for playing through our game!


T E N S E!
The game is very impactful. It starts with the simple idea, but on the way it transforms into something deep and struggling. Personally, I have an experience as a dispatch caller, I was doing it for couple of months and it's very taunting. You learn a lot of things by helping people and I got that personal attachment to the game. 
Although, the ending was a bit off, I would say the aim for this is psychological, rather then monster and scary thing grabbing you, but I don't know, maybe the idea is very different for you as a developer. 
I just felt the ending needed a more visceral connection. 

This is just an idea, which you can freely use or don't, your choice - I think the ending call was supposed to cut out and then, instead of the monster, we as a player could have been transported, like in a scene, to that location, where we would realize, it was us, who saved/or did not save the girl. Maybe, that way, the fire behind the door, which we see towards the end, would actually make sense. 

 Overall, I loved the game, it had the perception and real visual connection to the story and yeah, besides the ending, everything was fantastic. Looking forward to seeing more games from you. Good Luck. 


Thank you for the feedback, we will definitely bear that in mind for our next game. We did consider another scene at the end but felt that may be a little out of our scope so decided on a more classic crescendo to end out the game.

Again, thank you for taking the time to play through our game and for the feedback and kind words!


Holy balls, this game good... Outstanding story, mechanics, and voice acting... 10/10, and thank you so much for sharing it with us!


Thank you very much!

I was anxious the whole way through! Great game!


This was really good fun. Is the demon the little girl? Was it all in my head. Is anyone actually dead? AHHHHHHHH!

Thank you and those are some interesting theories!

(1 edit) (+1)

i got the bad ending and good ending, i'll see if theres a better ending.

This was absolutely awesome and unique. I did a three random horror game video and it starts at about 30:22.  The whole experience is fantastic and I hope you make more like it.  Thanks for making the game!
(1 edit) (+1)

I love these types of videos! Videos like these are actually one of the things that inspired us to make this! Thank you for the review, we will definitely be making more games in the future :)

So glad to hear you will be making more! :)


This was one of the most unique games I have ever played! It's super fun, and it's super immersive. The voice recognition for deciding on the different choices works like a beauty. Sometimes, it wouldn't understand, but I'm sure that was a problem from my end and not the game. My only issue with this game is that it wasn't longer. This game has so much potential it is outstanding. I hope to see more unique games like this from you in the future, and I hope this game gets some new chapters because I'm super hooked on it. An overall amazing and unique experience!

Wow thank you so much, happy you enjoyed it! We are already in talks about making another game so there will definitely be more to come!


wow this was an awesome experience! I can see this building on to something even better. 

Thank you, yeah we are hoping to go bigger and better with our next project!


This was the best experience i had playing a horror game, the jokes at the beginning also being about to talk through the mic made it great. Made me forget I was playing a horror game until the end... Hope you keep making great games like this one, maybe even a part 2!

Wow that’s quite the compliment, thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed the intro calls as well as the main one, we definitely have plans for another game so stay tuned!

Deleted post

Thank you, glad you liked it! Sorry to hear you had trouble with the voice recognition, the extract and play version can sometimes run into permission issues so that could also be the cause. Happy you still found it immersive though :)


I loved this game. I would love to see more. As someone who takes calls from angry people all day, this was up my ally so to speak. A call tracker, average handle time....felt like I was at work. AND you scared the crap out of me! Lol.....amazing. I loved every second of it. Hopefully you have more planned. :) Thank you!

Excellent, I’m glad you enjoyed it! We will definitely be making another game soon so stay tuned :)

Awesome. Looking forward to it. 


Highly recommended! I love this game :) It grabs your attention bit by bit and gives off a very eerie vibe throughout. Fantastic experience.

Thank you! I really enjoyed watching your gameplay, your reactions were priceless!

Thanks for the reply 😊 Please tell me you are making more games?! Such high quality and unique..I need more 😲

Yes we definitely will be, the support from the community has really motivated us and we can’t wait to work on our next one! 😊


I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

Dude this game is so well done. The calls and voice acting added so much to the game with elements of wanting to help, doing your best to make the right decision with every call it was enticing. I was at the edge of my seat wanting to do the right thing and help everyone I can. I hope we get an update with more content. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's really good.

Thank you so much for your kind words, I’m really glad you enjoyed it! After the community’s response I am now  extremely motivated to make another game, so stay tuned :)

Looking forward to it!!


What an experience! This was such a frightening experience! I finished it a few minutes ago and my heart is still pounding! How many endings are there? 

Glad the scares worked, the final one made me throw my headset off my head multiples times during development when I’d forget about it. Also I don’t want to give away anything about the endings just yet but it might be worth watching some of the playthroughs in the comments to see!


Hello, I played this game and I really enjoyed it, the concept was very cool!, the sound effects and the little spooks here and there were great, also are there more than 2 endings to the game? over all great game, good work :)


Thank you, almost all of the sound effects were made by us using our computer microphones so glad to hear they sounded alright. As for the endings, I don’t want to give anything away just yet!


This is REALLY cool! Some comedy in the first half, then everything comes crashing down and becomes increasingly intense over time. I love the subtle changes to the room that become more apparent as things happen during the phone call. And the fact that there are 2 outcomes adds some replay value. Very well made!

Thank you very much, glad to hear you noticed the changes to the office throughout! 


Amazing game dev and different good job 

Thank you :) 


Case Animatronics vibes loved it great work.

Thank you, I really enjoyed seeing you play it through! :)


Odlična igrica, presuper je, koristi i mikrofon i sve, stvarno nešto šta nisam očekivao, svaka čast i nadam se da ćeš još ovakvih igrica napraviti, sretno i uživaj!


Thank you very much! (Puno vam hvala!)


The game was really good and awesome!, I enjoyed it very much! Thank you. Keep up the good work.

Thank you so much, I hope you got a good ending! 


It did not seem like a good ending :p


I don't know, Im not sure its working probably. I am just a floating camera? can glide around the room doing nothing? :D am i missing something?

Apologies, I uploaded an incorrect version. Should be fixed now! 


Happens, I will try again thanks :)

Thanks for being so understanding :D


I will give this a try if you add a .rar file. (Extract and play)

Just added it, let me know what you think! :)

Thank you so much for adding .rar file. I'm going to try your game now!

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